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Sowing and Reaping

Pastor D reminds us of our duty to help one another in the spirit of restoration – not the spirit of condemnation. We can do this by shouldering each other’s infirmities, supporting each other and taking care of our own business as well.
Our opinions of ourselves are likely seen via the worldly view. But when we do this in the context of scripture/spirituality, we will surely find those things that we ought to be working on to get it together. We must act with the intent to sow goodness, righteousness if we expect to reap the same later.
One of the ways to begin sowing is to prepare and plan for this by committing to digging into God’s Word and following His universal laws. Doing this is like planting the seed that grows into the tree, and thanks to Him, when we sow little we reap much.
Galatians 6:1-7

Sowing and Reaping